Category: Foot Issues

What Is Over-Pronating?

Over-pronation is a common foot condition, often plaguing people with flexible, flat feet, occurring when the framework to your foot collapses, causing the foot to flatten and cause stress to other parts of the foot. Over-pronation can ultimately lead to other foot conditions, such as […]

Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Whether you feel a burning pain when you get out of bed in the morning, or extreme sensitivity pain when you are running, you are more than likely suffering from plantar fasciitis. This condition results from an overuse of using your feet, which sounds silly, […]

Tips To Prevent Dry Feet

With the harsh and dry winter months, many people find their skin losing moisture and becoming flaky and cracked, especially when it comes to their feet. In order to prevent dry feet, here are some helpful tips to restore moisture, keeping them healthy during the dry months: […]

Tips To Treat Your Foot Pain

Is your foot pain keeping you from getting around or doing your daily activities?  If so, it is important to consider if treatment by your podiatrist is needed immediately. If not, there are some helpful tips and techniques that may be worth trying, including the following: […]

Treating Athlete’s Foot

With the start of school in the coming months also comes the beginning of many athletic programs and activities. With these activities, such as football and soccer, many people will find themselves battling a common foot issue…athlete’s foot. What Is Athlete’s Foot? Athlete’s foot is […]

Preventing Ingrown Toenails

Have you noticed that you may have an ingrown toenail? If so, do not worry, ingrown toenails are generally common and can be often uncomfortable. This can be caused by improper footwear and not caring for feet, which triggers a great amount of pressure forced […]

Understanding Flat Feet

While you may not have heard of the term, flat feet is a very common foot condition that affects about 25% of the nation. Flat feet is a result of a collapsed arch where the whole sole of your foot touches the ground when it […]