Foot and Ankle Specialist in Pingree Grove

Your ankles and feet are the foundation of your routine. Ankle and foot health is critical for your everyday activities and overall mobility. When you experience ankle and foot pain, you must seek proper medical attention to prevent worsening an underlying condition or presently severe medical issue. With a top foot and ankle specialist in Pingree Grove, you can receive the treatment you need. You deserve to maintain your podiatric health and overall mobility properly. Our team of experts at the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois treats various ankle and foot conditions. 

It’s essential to see trusted podiatrists in Pingree Grove to find ideal foot and ankle pain relief and wellness, as well as to learn how to treat any underlying condition if you presently have one effectively. At the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois, our caring experts treat patients throughout Chicagoland, including Algonquin, Carpentersville, West Dundee, Huntley, and beyond. Here, we’ll discuss some of the common causes of ankle and foot pain, where you can find lasting and effective foot and ankle pain relief, and how seeing the best podiatrists in Pingree Grove can aid in your podiatric health in the long run.

Causes of Pain and Finding Foot Pain Relief

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It’s best to seek a trusted podiatrist for any ankle or foot pain and problems you’re experiencing. We can help you to figure out the precise root cause of your ankle or foot pain to achieve lasting wellness. At the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois, we also frequently offer same-day appointments, depending on our availability. As your foot and ankle specialist in Pingree Grove, our team can quickly and effectively diagnose your specific medical condition and help you develop an attuned treatment plan, including any skin and nail treatment, custom orthotics, foot and ankle surgery, or swift microwave therapy you may need for relief and treatment. Here are some of the most common causes of foot and ankle pain.

Skin and Nail Problems

ingrown toenailIt’s essential to seek an early diagnosis and treatment plan for your precise condition from an experienced, reliable source. One of the most common types of foot and ankle pain you may experience is skin and nail problems. The good news is that skin and nail treatment options are available. Medical conditions such as corns, athlete’s foot, calluses, plantar fungus, and warts can develop over time and end up causing you significant discomfort and pain. However, several treatment options are available, including swift microwave therapy and other skin and nail treatments.

Heel and Arch Pain

Heel PainArch and heel pain can be particularly annoying, especially if you happen to be on your feet for an entire day or most of the day. As your foot and ankle specialist in Pingree Grove, our caring team can treat any existing flat feet, heel pain, fallen arches, or plantar fasciitis through several distinct methods, depending on your specific medical diagnosis. We can provide you with custom orthotics fittings, other non-invasive treatment options, or surgery for arch and heel pain.

Toe Deformity

foot examOver time, you can develop a toe deformity such as hammertoes and bunions due to your particular lifestyle, choice of footwear, and more. These particular ailments can cause you to experience noticeable discomfort and pain and decrease your range of mobility in the long term. As your foot and ankle specialist in Pingree Grove, our caring professionals might recommend treatment options such as lapiplasty and surgery, depending on your particular medical condition and its present level of severity.

Nerve and Neuropathy Issues

Intense numbness or foot pain can be signs of existing peripheral neuropathy or another nerve-related issue. We can help you manage your neuropathy and other nerve conditions effectively. These serious problems can feel excruciating and coincide with a serious underlying condition. Treatment options include cortisone injections, arch supports, and more are available from our team to help you manage your neuropathy and other nerve conditions.

Find Relief With the Best Podiatrists in Pingree Grove

foot bunions

We only discussed some of the top most common types of foot and ankle pain you might experience. However, many more podiatric conditions have the potential to cause you noticeable pain and discomfort. Brushing off your existing ankle or foot pain can seem easy. Seeing the best podiatrist in your area is essential for continued health and wellness and prevents a more serious condition or other medical issues in addition to that currently exhibited. At the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois, we can quickly help you find foot and ankle relief. Some over-the-counter treatment options are available. However, visiting a podiatrist increases your chance of a fast and effective recovery. Finding meaningful and lasting treatment and relief shouldn’t be difficult. Our patient-first approach can shorten recovery and improve podiatric health and wellness.

Dr. Zehra Hyderi

foot and ankle specialist in pingree grove

As one of the best Pingree Grove podiatrists, Dr. Zehra Hyderi earned her medical degree from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. She then pursued surgical and medical residencies at Loyola University Medical Center, Hines VA Hospital, and College Hospital Costa Mesa. She also has a preceptorship from the Dr. Cortese Foot and Ankle Clinic. She is a member of the Illinois Podiatric Medical Association, American Podiatric Medical Association, and American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.


Dr. Stephanie Gray

foot and ankle specialist in pingree grove

Dr. Stephanie Gray obtained her medical degree from Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine. She was chief resident at Ascension St. John Hospital, completing a three-year surgical reconstructive foot and ankle residency, and attended Northern Michigan University. She is an expert surgeon in mid-foot, rear foot, and complete ankle replacement surgeries as a trusted source for foot and ankle surgery.



foot and ankle specialist in pingree grove

Contact the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois Today

You deserve the best foot and ankle health with a trusted diagnosis and resulting treatment plan from the best. Whether you need custom orthotics, foot, and ankle surgery, or swift microwave therapy, we’re here for you. Connect with us today and experience the difference.