Foot and Ankle Specialist in Lakewood

Ankle and foot pain can make standing, walking, and running much more complex. If you are experiencing these or similar symptoms, it’s time to consult the best foot and ankle specialist in Lakewood. Our knowledgeable and expert podiatrists in Lakewood can help you to achieve foot and ankle pain relief. Our team at the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois specializes in truly comprehensive ankle and foot care in Lakewood. 

We will work closely with you to ensure that your feet remain functionally sound and healthy. When you begin looking for a top foot and ankle specialist in Lakewood, check out all we offer at the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois. At our location in the area, you’ll find a vast array of services, from treatments for bunions and foot pain to foot and ankle surgery, swift microwave therapy, diabetic care management, and reliable wound care services to address your specific foot pain relief needs fully.

Causes of Pain and Finding Foot Pain Relief

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Our podiatrists remain fully committed to aiding our patients in receiving meaningful healing through non-invasive means wherever possible. We only offer the option of surgery if necessary for your impactful healing and wellness. You deserve nothing less than the very best attention and results when searching for the best podiatrists in Lakewood. When looking for a board-certified foot and ankle specialist in Lakewood, you deserve a team specializing in treating standard foot and ankle issues. These issues include hammertoes and plantar fasciitis, in addition to more severe conditions like neuromas and arthritis.

We also provide more conservative treatments like skin and nail treatment, custom orthotics, and activity modification. Our surgery services for more severe injuries can correct your pain safely and quickly. Together, we strive to achieve the ideal therapy to enable an active and full lifestyle. Our team conducts diagnostic exams to treat various foot and ankle injuries and conditions, such as bunions, sprains, and arthritis. Reconstructive surgery is also available to correct foot fractures as an added service.

Skin and Nail Problems

ingrown toenailSkin and nail conditions can cause annoyance and pain. Conditions such as calluses, corns, plantar warts, athlete’s foot, and toenail fungus can worsen without proper treatment. However, they are also easily treatable. As your foot and ankle specialist in Lakewood, we can treat these problems. Our treatments include skin and nail treatment, other non-invasive methods, swift microwave therapy, and surgery.


Heel and Arch Pain

Heel PainArch and heel pain can significantly alter your mobility if you don’t receive proper treatment. Proper treatment can be as straightforward as finding custom orthotics and the best available footwear for support and protection. As your foot and ankle specialist in Lakewood, our specialists can treat many conditions. We can treat conditions including fallen arches, flat feet, plantar fasciitis, and high arches with custom orthotics, surgery, and more.

Toe Deformity

foot examOver time, it’s possible but common to develop a toe deformity due to a genetic predisposition, a footwear choice, or your given lifestyle. These issues include hammertoes and bunions and can cause significant discomfort or pain if not properly treated. As the top podiatrist in Lakewood and the surrounding area, our specialists can treat your specific condition with options such as lapiplasty and surgery.


Nerve and Neuropathy Issues

Neuropathy and other nerve issues can be harrowing or cause numbness. Finding the right Lakewood podiatrist is essential for maintaining your mobility and managing these conditions. Treatments for neuropathy and other nerve-related conditions at the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois include arch supports, orthotics fittings, and cortisone injections. These conditions are severe, so seeking top podiatric care is essential to find effective treatment and condition management plans.

Find Relief With the Best Podiatrists in Lakewood

foot bunions

Connecting with one of our caring foot and ankle specialists in the area can allow us to diagnose your specific medical condition and develop an attuned treatment plan. While there are numerous over-the-counter options to relieve and manage your foot and ankle pain, such as anti-inflammatory medicine or sole inserts, these don’t generally provide effective or lasting relief and treatment of underlying causes that can worsen or otherwise persist. Finding effective and ultimately lasting ankle and foot pain relief with a top podiatrist allows you to receive a genuinely individualized diagnosis and resulting treatment plan to reward your time, effort, and budget funds. We have all the best care for your unique condition, with skin and nail treatment, foot and ankle surgery, swift microwave therapy, and much more.

The top podiatrists in Lakewood have some of the finest podiatric medical centers in the area for ankle and foot care. We offer everything from routine check-ups, foot and ankle disorder treatment, minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, and leading diabetic therapies. We can also help with any paperwork, insurance questions, and patient advocacy.

Dr. Zehra Hyderi

Dr Zehra Hyderi

Attending the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in Cleveland for her medical degree and pursuing medical and surgical residencies at Hines VA Hospital, College Hospital Costa Mesa, and Loyola University Medical Center, Dr. Zehra Hyderi remains one of the area’s best podiatrists. She received a podiatric preceptorship at Dr. Cortese Foot and Ankle Clinic and remains a member of the Illinois Podiatric Medical Association, American Podiatric Medical Association, and American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.


Dr. Stephanie Gray

Dr. Stephanie Gray

Seeing beyond traditional interventions with physical fitness, nutrition, and total wellness, Dr. Stephanie Gray attended Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine and a three-year surgical reconstructive foot and ankle residency at Ascension St. John Hospital as chief resident. She attended Northern Michigan University and remains an expert surgeon in mid-foot, rear foot, and total ankle replacement surgeries and is proficient in foot and ankle reconstruction.



foot ankle specialists illinois

Contact the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois Today

Our services at the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois are truly unparalleled. Connect with us today and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.