Depending on what kind of foot or ankle problem you have, you may be an ideal candidate for an injection in order to stimulate healing of the damaged tissues. Regenerative medicine provides an innovative way to heal fractures, sprains, and strains – without the need for surgery. Our team offers this industry-leading treatment option to patients looking for a minimally-invasive solution.
What Is Regenerative Medicine?
Regenerative medicine works on a principle of regeneration, repair, and restoration. It targets damaged tissue and cartilage to heal the condition at the source while relieving pain and other symptoms. Typically, it involves the extraction of biological substances, like blood plasma, rich in cytokines, and growth factors – two factors essential to repair and regeneration.
At Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois, we offer regenerative medicine to help our patients heal. Our team specializes in minimally-invasive, effective solutions for pain in the foot and ankle caused by fractures, sprains, and strains.
Human Connective Tissue Matrix Injection
This is a unique type of injection that works similarly to “stem cells”; it replaces or supplements damaged or inadequate integumental tissue. The injection effectively provides a scaffold and functionally allows for increased mechanical and structural support while incorporating biochemical extracellular matrix components into devoid areas.
Platelet Rich Plasma Injection
Unlike other types of restorative or therapeutic injection therapy, platelet-rich plasma (i.e. PRP) is quite unique in that it uses a patient’s own blood in order to accelerate the healing of damaged soft tissue structures. For this injection, your blood is drawn in the office and it is spun down in a centrifuge to separate it into its individual components. The plasma component is gently drawn into an injection tube and it is subsequently injected into a damaged soft tissue structure. Since it is your own blood, it has all the growth factors and proteins unique to you and responsible for healing, and so there is no concern for rejection.
Why Should I Choose Regenerative Medicine?
One of the most important benefits of regenerative medical injections like PRP, is that it requires little to no downtime. Meaning, if you participate in activities, like dance, you will be back on your feet in less time. This treatment option is specifically popular amongst professional athletes because of the minimal downtime. Another benefit is, as injections like PRP are extracted from the patient’s own body, there is little to no risk of adverse reactions or rejection. This minimally invasive and effective treatment option may be exactly what you need to return to your active lifestyle.
Want To Learn More? Contact Our Specialized Team Today.
Our experts specialize in regenerative medicine for foot and ankle conditions. If you’re looking for a minimally invasive option for your sprain, fracture, or strain we’re standing by and ready to help. Contact us today to learn more about regenerative medicine and how it can help you.