Preventing Foot Issues During The Summer Time

Summertime usually means there is more time for going outside and being active, and with this also comes a higher risk of foot injuries. Foot injuries and infections that could occur from a higher rate of physical activity in the warm weather include but are not limited to shin splints, ankle sprains, and athlete’s foot.

Preventing foot conditions this summer can be done by following the tips below:

Wear Supportive Shoes– A common thing for people to do in the summer is to go barefoot or wear open shoes, like sandals. It is important to also have closed-toe shoes that provide the support necessary when playing a sport or when you are simply walking outside.

Warm-Up Before Getting Active– Sometimes, people hop right into playing their favorite sport or exercising without properly warming up their bodies. Stretching out your muscles before exerting a lot of pressure on your feet is the key to preventing conditions like a sprained ankle.

Be Careful on Rough and Uneven Terrain– Always be sure to pick more even, secure surfaces to exercise and play sports on. Rocky terrain or other unstable surfaces can put more strain on your feet, ultimately making you more prone to a foot injury.

Do Not Ignore Minor Foot Pain– It is typical for someone to brush off foot pain after tripping or wiping out. It is important to pay attention to any sort of pain or irritation you feel in your feet because that minor pain can be a sign of a greater foot injury or infection.

For further information on how to prevent or treat foot injuries and infections, contact Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois today!

Written by Ali Hyderi