Preparing Your Feet For Your Hiking Trip

Hiking is a great way to spend time outdoors this summer. From painful blisters, to lost toenails, to chafing, there are many things that can happen to unprepared and unprotected feet on hiking excursions.

Here are some things you should do to ensure your feet are prepared and protected for your hiking trip:

Clip your toenails. Toenails that are just slightly too long can become jammed against the inside of your hiking boot, resulting in serious pain, as well as the potential to lose a toenail. Be sure to properly trim each toenail a couple days before a hike, cutting the sides of each nail as well.

Wear the proper hiking shoe. It is critical that you are only wearing a shoe designed specifically for your activity. This will ensure you have the right support for hiking. Also, be sure to tie your shoe tightly, as this will keep your foot locked in place, which will lessen the chances your footwear will rub against your foot the wrong way. Ensure your toes should have some room to spread out inside your boot or shoe, and your heel, ankle, arch, and other parts of the foot are tightly supported in order to prevent wear and tear.

Provide the right care when needed. If while you are on your hike you are experiencing discomfort anywhere on your foot, be sure to stop immediately and provide the right care. By properly treating any potential issues immediately, the better the chances you can escape these potential issues. Moleskin, bandages, and even duct tape can all help to prevent blisters when they begin to appear.

Carry a first aid kit. A first aid kit is essential to treating foot problems on the trail. From gauze and glue, to moleskin and medical tape, be sure to carry one every time you hit the trail.

The Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois specialize in treating a variety of foot and ankle issues. Contact us for more information or help with your foot and ankle needs today!


Written by Ali Hyderi