How To Treat And Prevent Calluses

Calluses are certain areas of dead skin which are generally caused by pressure and rubbing of the skin; friction. Although they are rarely painful, calluses can be a nuisance to get rid of, especially on your feet. The Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois are here to tell you how to treat and prevent calluses on your body.

How To Treat Calluses

Once you notice that you may have calluses on your foot, it is crucial to treat this right away to prevent an infection from occurring. The worst thing you can do is try and scrap your calluses away since this will cause further complications. Here are a few things you can do to treat and prevent this condition from happening:

Soak in warm water – The first thing you should try to do is soak your calluses in warm water for 5-10 minutes and then use the proper tools to file down the calluses. Be sure to not eliminate too much skin since it will cause bleeding and a possible infection to occur.

Use moisturizing lotion – Finding a lotion or moisturizer that contains salicylic acid and applying to the affected areas will greatly soften the skin.

Wear proper shoes – It is essential for you to find a good pair of shoes that are comfortable and fit with space allowed between the toes. However, it is never good for a shoe to fit too loose as it may cause more room for fungus to grow and other common foot conditions.

Trim your toenails –
Ensure your toenails are trimmed regularly since a long toenail will force the toes to push up against your shoes which can cause irritation and further issues.

For more information or questions concerning how to treat and prevent calluses from occurring, contact the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois today.

Written by Ali Hyderi