Common Foot Pain: Causes and Treatments

Our feet allow us to walk, work, and perform the sports and hobbies we love. When our feet are in pain, it is difficult for us to perform these things to the best of our ability. In order to figure out how to treat foot pain, it is important to find the cause of the pain in the specific location it is being felt. Here are common foot pain locations, along with causes and treatments:

Heel Pain- You can feel pain in the heel from wearing shoes that do not fit properly, walking abnormally or having unusual posture, or from running and other activities.

-Rest your feet
-Wear comfortable fit shoes
-Take pain relievers (OTC)

Outer Edge of Foot Pain- Pain on the foot´s outer edge usually occurs after an injury. It is possible that you may have broken a bone, so it is important to see a doctor and get an X-ray.

-Seek a doctor´s help to see if surgery is needed
-Rest your feet
-Ice and elevate the foot
-Take medicine to relieve pain

Toe Pain- Pain in the toe is caused by a variety of things, including inappropriate fit shoes or gout, which is a type of arthritis.

-Rest your feet
-Wear comfortable fit shoes
-Ice the area if needed
-If you have gout, avoid foods that can make it worse
-Take medicine if it is advised by doctor

Arch Pain- Pain in the arch of the foot can be caused by fallen arches, also known as flat feet. There are a variety of treatments, but it is important to seek a doctor´s help to decide whether surgery is necessary or not.

-Seek a doctor´s help to see if surgery is needed
-Shoe inserts
-Rest your feet
-Ice your feet if needed
-Use a walking cane or brace
-Physical therapy

To receive further information on foot pain or if you are seeking help for a foot injury, contact The Foot And Ankle Specialists of Illinois, where you will receive exceptional service from a company who´s all about promoting a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Written by Ali Hyderi