Common Foot Myths

Your feet and ankles play an important role in your everyday life, so it is critical that you understand what is true or not when it comes to their care. Here are some of the most common foot myths, and the truths behind them:

Myth: Going barefoot is best. Walking barefoot can be harmful to your feet, especially since your feet are more vulnerable to suffering from wounds and fungal infections. It is important to remember that if you need to go barefoot, only do so inside the comfort of your home, otherwise, keep your feet covered in order to fully protect them.

Myth: Your shoes are what causes bunions. While shoes with no support, or a narrow toe box may make bunions worse, bunions are not caused by the shoes you wear. These are usually caused by genetics, making it more likely a person will develop a bunion.

Myth: Doctors will not do anything for a broken toe. It is important to seek help from a doctor if you feel you have a broken bone. Doctors will not only perform diagnostic X-rays to identify the severity of the break, but they can help to ensure the broken bone heals properly. Doctors can even help you to prevent future issues, as well as perform necessary treatments or surgery on a broken toe.

Myth: If you can move or walk on your foot or ankle, it’s not broken. While depending on the severity of a break, in addition to the person’s pain threshold, it could be possible to walk on a foot or ankle with a broken bone, it very well may be broken. However, since walking with a broken foot bone can cause serious damage, it is never advised to ignore any foot or ankle pain. If you suspect your foot or ankle is broken, contact your podiatrist immediately.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to your foot and ankle needs, be sure to contact the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois today!


Written by Ali Hyderi