Common Causes of Foot Pain in Children

Foot pain can become a problem at any age. While many people are under the impression that foot pain only affects older generations, it is actually relatively common for children to experience pain relating to their everyday activities, injury, or even their genetic makeup. If your child comes to you complaining of foot pain, we recommend taking these complaints seriously. 

Because your feet are an imperative part of your ability to be mobile, foot pain should always be taken seriously regardless of who is experiencing it. This pain could be linked to more serious issues. Tell your child’s doctor if they are experiencing any foot pain and see if you might need to take your child to a specialist.

In this article, we’ll cover all of the common issues that a child might have with their feet. We’ll also go over some of the treatments you can expect to hear about from the doctor. It’s important to get your child diagnosed and treated by a specialist no matter how small the issue might seem. When it comes to your child’s overall well-being, being overly cautious when it comes to their feet is worth it. Your feet are what allow you to live a mobile and free life, so it’s important to take care of them no matter what your age is. 

pediatric podiatryCommon Causes of Pain in Children’s Feet

When your child comes to you with foot pain, it might present itself in several different forms depending on what the root cause of the pain actually is. The symptoms can range from heel pain to blisters to burning and itching. Knowing the signs of an issue is the first step to addressing it. 

Physical Injury

Many times, there isn’t an underlying cause for your child’s foot pain other than the fact that they have been injured. If your child is active in sports or playing at school or in the neighborhood, this could potentially be a reason for their foot pain. Sprains and breaks can happen especially when children are engaged in high-risk activities when they are active. To treat physical injury to the foot, you’ll have to consult a doctor. Usually, proper care and rest will fix these injuries. 

Athlete’s Foot

Another reason your child might be complaining about their feet is due to athlete’s foot. This is a fungal infection that causes a rash that might feel like it burns. Additionally, your child might have this condition if their feet appear dry or cracked. Depending on the severity of your child’s case, soaking their feet in water and using anti-itch cream can help. Again, it’s still important to contact your child’s doctor in these situations for more information on how best to treat athlete’s foot. 

Fallen Arches

Fallen arches are also known as flat feet. You can actually compare your child’s foot to others and see that their arches are either visibly incredibly low or even completely undefined. While it’s usually not a big issue until later years, identifying and getting treatment for flat feet can save your child from being uncomfortable in the future. 

kids foot doctorWhat to do About Pain in a Child’s Heel

Heel pain is relatively common in kids, but that doesn’t mean that you should ignore it when your child comes to you with it. Whether your child’s heel pain is caused by injury or overuse, it’s important to consult your doctor to find out what the true issue is. One of the most common causes of heel pain in children is Sever’s disease. This disease usually comes from a rapid growth spurt. If the heel bone grows at a faster pace, it can become inflamed due to the surrounding tissue adapting to the new size. 

There’s also Achilles tendonitis which can occur after a sudden boost or increase in physical activity. Symptoms of Achilles tendonitis include pain or discomfort in the back of the foot or in the heel. The condition can cause pain, difficulty walking, swelling, and warmth. Without treatment, Achilles tendonitis can get worse and potentially become a chronic condition. 

An evaluation from a specialist in foot care can make all the difference in your child’s life. Whether the issue is caused by growth spurts, injury from physical activity, or something else, a podiatrist will be able to sort out a treatment plan specifically tailored to your child’s individual needs. While foot pain might not be a huge cause for concern in children, it’s still important to check in with your doctor in order to ensure your child’s overall health and well-being. 

childrens foot issuesPediatric Foot Doctors

Finding the right doctor for your child is no simple task. While you might need a specialist in foot care, you’ll also need someone who knows how to treat children specifically. This is why pediatric foot doctors are so important. If you live in Illinois and are looking for a podiatrist that treats children in Algonquin, Huntley, Carpentersville, and the surrounding areas, Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois might be the right solution for you. 

We provide care for all types of conditions, such as ingrown toenails, bunions, heel and arch pain, hammertoes, nerve pain, and so many more. Our patients are incredibly satisfied with the quality of our care, as well as the comfort they feel when in the hands of our specialists. Our ultimate goal is to help your child to get back on their feet and enjoy all of the activities they love. 

If you are interested in learning more about our services, or if you just want to read up about foot health in general, visit our website. You can read testimonials from our clients, get an in-depth look at the type of care we provide, and you can even book an appointment online. If you want to know more about what you can do to prevent and manage foot pain, take a gander at our blog. If you or your child are experiencing foot pain that makes your everyday life difficult, it’s time to book an appointment

Written by Ali Hyderi