Category: Calluses

Calluses: How to Treat Them

Calluses are most often found on people’s feet, and commonly results from inappropriate footwear. Whether you wear high heels, or shoes that are too tight for your feet and putting pressure onto the toes and the ball of the feet. Here is some helpful information […]

Keeping Your Feet Healthy

Keeping your feet healthy is essential to living a happy and active lifestyle. Often times, we neglect our feet or fail to notice signs that our feet are not as healthy as they should be. In order to prevent any unnecessary foot pains and issues, […]

Caring For Your Dry Feet

With Winter in full force, your dry winter feet are probably looking for some relief. In order to rescue your dry feet, you must keep the skin on your feet hydrated, remove the dead skin cells, and regenerate new skin cells. Here are a few […]