Caring For Your Dry Feet

Dry feet can happen very easily, your feet are probably looking for some relief. In order to rescue your dry feet, you must keep the skin on your feet hydrated, remove the dead skin cells, and regenerate new skin cells. Here are a few ways to help care for your dry feet this winter:

  • Emollient Coated Socks-With these specially coated socks, you can help heal and soften your feet, all while you sleep.
  • Foot Creams- By using a foot cream that contains alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHA) daily, you can help slough off dead skin cells and better retain moisture on the outer layers of the skin.
  • Exfoliation- Exfoliation of the dead and dry skin cells, while stimulating blood flow and skin cell regeneration, is how you will achieve healthy, supple skin. Use a dry, natural bristled brush, specifically made for your foot, to gently brush your feet in a circular motion, getting rid of those dead skin cells.
  • Pumice Stone-This small piece of dampened volcanic rock is a great tool to rub away hardened and rough areas of the feet. Be sure to use right after showering and avoid using it on severely cracked or bleeding heels.
  • Moisturize- Moisturizing with lotions and creams made from ingredients such as coconut oil, lanolin, or shea butter will help to keep your skin from drying. It is important to include this in your daily routine, especially right after you shower, in order for effectiveness.
  • Nutrition-For healthier feet, it may be a good idea to increase your dietary intake of essential fatty acids and vitamins, but be sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

If you are experiencing calluses, cracked skin, or dry skin that does not improve, be sure to contact the Foot and Ankle Specialists of Illinois for help.

Written by Ali Hyderi